
Liliana GonzalezLiliana Elena Gonzalez Castro is a Mexican bilingual (Spanish/English) Real Estate Attorney & Broker in Morelia & Patzcuaro. She holds the first Real Estate license in the state of Michoacán LIP 00001/2018. In addition to having her law degree, she holds the Mexican real estate degree TSUCI, a Real Estate Agent Certification (CONOCER EC0110), and a Real Estate Credits Certification (CONOCER EC0903), all of them granted by the Ministry of Education in Mexico (SEP). Liliana has strong knowledge of International real estate transactions. She is an ecommerce specialist, an indie author and online teacher.

Liliana is a registered External Training Agent with the STPS (Secretariat of Labor and Social Security) with 17 registered courses on real estate matters. She is an accredited instructor of NAR (National Association of Realtors) to teach the CIPS Institute (Certified International Property Specialist). She has completed the NAR courses ABR (Accredited Buyer Representative). GREEN Core Course and Green Residential Elective course, TRC (Transnational Referral Certification), SRES (Seniors Real Estate Specialist) and Doing business in México.

Among other activities, she is a member of the Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals, Morelia Chapter (AMPI Morelia). She was their President for 2017-2018; Vice-President in 2016; the Training Counselor in 2015; the Communications Counselor (January 2014 to May 2015); the International Relations Counselor in 2013 and Secretary of the Board in 2014.

Liliana has professional skills to use email marketing tools, digital payments system, video creation and mastery of Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel and PowerPoint). She can design, create and manage 2.0 marketing campaigns using blogs, social networks, videos, slide shows, photo albums, maps, pdf, flyers etc. Her English language skills, customer service and communication have put México at the foreigners’ fingertips since 1999 through her various websites, blogs and social networks.

Online Courses

How to Buy Real Estate in Mexico

Introducción a la comercialización inmobiliaria

Derecho inmobiliario mexicano I

Derecho Inmobiliario Mexicano II

El Servicio de escrow en México


Liliana is the author of 6 digital books and a photographic compilation. Some of her books are: “Real Estate Buying Process in Michoacán” this book has first-hand information about purchasing property in Michoacán (it is intended to help buyers and sellers to understand the real estate purchase process in Michoacan) and “10 International Festivals in Morelia” it has information about the top 10 International Festivals that you can experience while visiting the beautiful city of Morelia, Michoacan and “Apuntes de Derecho Para el Profesional Inmobiliario“.

Check out all Liliana´s books at Amazon.


87 Thoughts to “Liliana”

    1. hola tengo una pregunta compre un predio rustico en la población de Coeneo, Michoacán, en el año 1997 pero el que me lo vendió falleció en el año 1999 y el licenciado que me estaba haciendo las escrituras no me las hizo asta la fecha y a el le entregue el compra venta y me lo perdió fue el que hicimos ante el Notario Publico y ahora el predio donde esta ubicado paso a nombre de otra persona y no tengo el compra venta que puedo hacer

      1. Hola Javier,

        Para llevar a acabo cualquier acción, debes tener documentos probatorios, si tu no tienes tu contrato de compraventa veo difícil que puedas reclamar algo. Sin embargo, deberías consultar a un abogado penalista para saber si hubiera alguna acción que pudieras ejercitar en esa vía. Te deseo mucha suerte!


    1. Carlos Arreguin

      Hola Licenciada…Mi pregunta es:Mi abuelo fue demandado poe uno de sus hijos y por un nieto, para hacer documentos fraudulentos en 1999…Pero resulta q mi abuelo falleció el año 1992…como no dejó testamento hcieron papeles falsos…Q castigo es para ese tipo de casos? Mimadre es heredera legitimia y fue ignorada…por eso andamos reclamando lo legal..

      1. Hola Carlos,

        Debes consultar de inmediato a un abogado y llevarle toda la documentación que tengas referente al caso para que valore si tienes elementos suficientes para iniciar una acción ya sea civil o penal.



  1. […] wife and I were browsing through listings on the internet, where we found Mexatua  and Liliana Gonzalez, what a blessing that was. We contacted Liliana as our real estate agent in conjunction with a home […]

  2. Sharon Keating

    Dear Liliana,
    You have been recommended to me by Carol Paraskeva in Umecuaro.
    Please email me – I would like to make an appointment with you.
    Thank you,
    Sharon Keating

  3. Nora

    Hola Liliana podría hacerle una pregunta pero en privado por favor

    1. Hola Nora,

      Clao que sí. Envíala a través de



  4. Sharon Keating

    Just wanted to tell you that I will be in the U.S.
    from Friday, May 22 to June 1.

  5. lulu

    Necesito consejo a como vender 2 casa en Morelia son de propied ejido. tengo comprovanted de pago. pero el paquete de escrituras las asen en paquete.

    No se como venderlas ho como puedo encontrar alguien que se interese en las casas. una esta en mano de obra pero los terrenos son largos.
    Gracias por su consejo

    1. mexatuanet

      Hola Lulu,

      Ya te envié respuesta por email,


  6. Francisco Javier Herrera Báez

    Buenas tardes Liliana, leí tu libro de “introducción a la comercialización” y quise continuar con la secuela creyendo que “el servicio del escrow (comercialización 1)” era la continuación, iniciando esta lectura me topo en la lectura que hay un libro de “derecho inmobiliario 1 y 2” (los cuales no disponibles en Amazon) los cuales son previos al de “el servicio del escrow”. No encontré libros mas sí cursos.
    Me podrías indicar cual es el orden correcto.
    Espero su respuesta y muchas gracias por compartir su conocimiento.

  7. mexatuanet

    Hola Francisco,
    Muchas gracias por tu interés en mis libros y cursos. En realidad ambas versiones tienen la misma información según el tema. Pero los cursos tienen la ventaja de que puedes practicar porque tienen exámenes (cuestionarios), ejercicios, tareas y documentos descargables. Todos los libros y cursos (con enlaces de descuento) y en el orden que debes tomarlos, los encuentras en esta página
    Cualquier otra duda, estoy a tus ordenes,

  8. Avis Quinlan

    Hola Liliana,
    I have been traveling in Mexico interested in a retirement home. I will be here for a month and am interested in seeing if you or one of your agents take out clients to view listed properties. I need to see what is available and the price range, proximity to town, and other factors. Is there someone in your office that is available? I would be very grateful.
    Avis Quinlah

    1. mexatuanet

      Hello Avis,

      Thank you for contacting me. What city are you now?


  9. Elena Palacios

    Hola Liliana,

    My brother and I are interested in buying 2 lots in Patzcuaro, Michoacan. It is just the land which I believe are about 1,200 SqFt. We both live in California but would like to see how we can purchase this land. Our father was born in Mexico but no longer lives and we want to see if this purchase can be done without a fidecomiso. I only have a picture of the lot and the coordinates: 19°30’45.9″N 101°37’47.0″W
    19.512750, -101.629722
    My friend who is from Patzcuaro but lives here is buying his [he was born in Mexico] lot in the same area but with this help of brother. Can you offer us any recommendations or point us in the right direction on how to get started in purchasing these lots?
    Thank you in advance, Elena Palacios

  10. […] more information, Liliana Elena Gonzalez Castro of Mexatua is the listing agent for Casa Alma, Pátzcuaro, Michoacán. The asking price is US […]

  11. Jim Collins

    Hi Liliana,
    I previously was writing comments, but they disappeared. Maybe they were sent….? We are planning on driving to Patzcuaro from my property in Guerrero this July or August. Hopefully we can meet up with you then. We love Casa Alma, but it’s not the right time for us as my wife is still working. However I think once she sees Patzcuaro it could be where we retire.
    Please put me on your email list of properties that become for sale.
    We look forward to meeting with you.
    Thank you,

    Jim Collins

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