How to get your digital Multiple Immigration Form (FMMd)

By Liliana Gonzalez

The National Institute of Migration in Mexico INM (Instituto Nacional de Migración) will no longer issue a physical Multiple Immigration Form (FMM) for travelers arriving in Mexico by air.

The FMM serves as proof of regular immigration status under the categories of Tourist, Business, or Other. Travelers can download their FMMd after entering the country and within the duration of stay granted by the Federal Immigration Agent at the Immigration Inspection Point.

You could download your Digital Multiple Immigration Form (FMMd) in the National Institute of Migration (INM) site at:

Click on the center image:


The form is in Spanish, but you could select a diferent one on the link “idioma/Language”:

Fill out the form using your passport information. When you finish click the button “search” at the bottom to get your FMMd in pdf format.


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