Tzintzuntzan, the city of humingbirds

By Liliana Rodriguez HISTORY The City of Hummingbirds (translated from Purepecha to English) was the capital and the most important ceremonial center of the Purepecha Empire, because this place was were all the tribute was received. It was the biggest and most populated city in the whole region. After the Spanish Conquer, it was given the title of Capital City of the Province of Michoacan in 1523. A few years later, Vasco de Quiroga moved the capital to Patzcuaro. The city lost its social and economic importance after 1539, becoming…

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Talk to me about retiring in Mexico

Read a lot of comments from foreigners living in the Patzcuaro and Morelia area. Below are comments and thoughts from people that I have had the honor to meet. A lot of them are my friends. Thank you again to all! My husband and I retired to Patzcuaro from Lake Oswego, Oregon in August, 2007. We came to Patzcuaro on a scouting expedition 18 months before we moved, fell in love with the area, and feel exactly the same today. Our view was that retirement would get off to a…

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